FilingBox opened a new cybersecurity paradigm called ‘storage protection’ in ITU-T.

FilingBox proposed the new work item to the ITU-T which is the international technology standard organization under the U.N. New proposal was selected as X.spmoh (storage protection framework against malware running on the host) Existing network protection and end-point protection technologies are not enough to protect data because they work as black list-based detection mechanisms. […]
FilingBox got the triadic patent family right for ransomware prevention

Ransomware prevention become a very important technology than ever. FilingBox’s patents are registered by major patent agencies including the U.S, China, EU, Japan and Korea. Check this out The reason they registered FilingBox’s patent, the System for blocking phishing or ransomware attack, was this is a brand new concept protecting data against ransomware from the […]
How Is FilingBox Different To Existing Ransomware Prevention Technologies?

If FilingBox is compared to other existing prevention technologies, FilingBox is the only prevention storage solution that prevents ransomware. 사이버 공격 시대에는 기존의 보호 기술과 기존의 저장 장치로는 데이터를 보호할 수 없습니다. All these technologies do not have the necessary security features to protect files from ransomware. FilingBox protects your data from any kind of […]
Is there a better solution than backing up to prevent Ransomware attacks?

“Backup is designed for a device malfunction, not only for the data protection.“ In the beginning, backing up is designed for saving data in-case that specific device breaks down. Technologically, a recent ransomware attack is not an attack on the device, it is an attack on the data only. So, backing up is not a […]
How does FilingBox completely prevent ransomware?

“It’s similar to storing files on the CD-ROM.” – John Woo FilingBox is a kind of file server which provides a network drive to PCs and Servers. One thing that’s different, however, compared to existing file servers, is FilingBox does not trust PCs and Servers after providing network drives. It assumes that PCs and servers […]
Do not leave your data on your luck! Store your data on the secure ransomware and phishing proof storage.

If you believe your data is safe when it is on your PC, you are wrong. Your PC is not ready to compete with ransomware and phishing attacks. You can be easily fooled by clicking video content on the webpage or link in the email which impersonated-acquaintance send. Anyhow if you click that bait, your […]